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Yamas and Niyamas – 8 limbs of Yoga

As mentioned in the previous blog post we have received a very clear outline of the steps we can follow to achieve Bliss in...

How To Stay Motivated to Practice

Motivation. A word that can fill us with hope or frustration. Being motivated is what drives us to do things in life, and like...

New Moon Wishes – Scorpio

Just to recap, the New Moon is the time to set your intentions for the month ahead. By getting clear on what you want,...

Mouth Taping: The Why, How & WTF!?

When I tell my friends and family that I tape my mouth shut at night, most of them look either confused, shocked or saddened...

1.1 Yama: Ahimsa – Non harming

The first of the eight limbs is Yama - restraints from negative behaviour to find peace within the outside world. We will go through...

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