Shine On – A kids yoga blog by Glow Yoga Kids


Summer Solstice is upon us, as we transition into this beautiful, fruitful time of year it’s important to stop and smell the roses or stop and watch the butterflies. Nature teaches us so many lessons, when we are willing to sit and notice her challenges and gifts. Summer brings us an opportunity to relish in the warmth and splendour of what we’ve been creating, the buds in our lives to turn into flowers but of course roses don’t come without thorns. Some of what we’ve been growing towards may no longer serve us, and that means it’s time to burn, shed, disintegrate, let go…. You get the idea. Take the butterfly for example: the spring brings a chance for new life, eggs are laid, caterpillars are born, they grow to size and begin to form their chrysalis around themselves when it’s time. During this transitional phase, the caterpillar works hard to completely disassembles itself, breaking down it’s cells into goop and reassembling into an amazing, symmetrical, fluttery, magical gem of nature. Through the struggle of growth it comes out completely transformed, ready for a new life. As the seeds we sowed in spring have either grown or become over grown with the weeds of our bad habits, limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and patterning we can choose which plants to nurture, and which ones to burn away in the heat of the sun. This solstice brings up much for me, and as I sat at the lake last weekend admiring the butterflies I couldn’t help but tie them into our newest Sun Dance Post. Their story is so inspiring! So today, be like the butterfly, shed that shell that doesn’t serve you any longer and become the best, most amazing, symmetrical, fluttery and magical version of yourself. If you missed the first post in this series, be sure to have a look as it will give you the background you need to best use the new addition to our Sun Dance Series. Stretch up high, wave to the sun in the sky(Standing in mountain pose, reach arms up & wave)Hang down low, tickle your caterpillar toes(Forward fold, reaching down towards your toes & tickle them)Feet jump back, onto a branch(Bend your knees, place your hands down and jump or step your feet back to plank)Belly down, let’s settle in now (Bending at the elbows, lower your body down to the ground)Look up at the clouds(Press the hands into the ground, to straighten the arms into cobra pose)Now back at the leaves(Knees under hips, curl the toes under & shift into downward dog)And breath, and breathe, and breathe – making a cocoon around yourself(Take 3 big breaths in through the nose and out through the nose)Feet jump up, ready to emerge(Hop the feet up, into a frog squat)Hang down low, touch your butterfly toes(Forward fold, reaching down towards your toes)Stretch up high, bring your wings to the sky(Coming to stand, reach both arms up and out to the side like wings)Now, flap like a butterfly!(Using your breath inhale to lift your wings up, exhale to drop them down) Wishing you the most amazing solstice on this longest day of the year, may you be filled with light, love and surrender to shed that which no longer serves. Yours in peace and joy,​Vanessa

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