“I Am a Peaceful Goldfish” by Shoshana Chaim — Appleseed Yoga

Shoshana Chaim’s book “I Am a Peaceful Goldfish”, is a wonderful children’s story filled with mindfulness and imagination! What I love most about @planttrainers debut storybook is that it encourages the reader (no matter what age) to notice their own emotions, and decide on a unique way to acknowledge and release them particularly through breath. Whether it be blowing like a fluffy dandelion, or with the gusto of an elephant, children are encouraged to find their own ways of using their breath to explore their emotions. The tempo of the story makes it ideal to read at any time, night or day – I could see it being used as a way to start the day, deal with a trying situation throughout, or a way to release before climbing into bed. I can’t wait to showcase this story in the Virtual Studio because it allows for so many options to find poses in big or little ways depending on how you’re feeling. A little excerpt from the front cover shares: “In this simple story, two children learn how to find their calm through playful breathing techniques […] This charming book teaches even the youngest readers fun ways to be mindful and regain control over their bodies and actions – an essential and easy-to-learn life skill,” and that’s exactly what it does!

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