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From our expert coach

Continuing Evolution of Will Power — Iyengar Yoga Source

Continuing with Prashantji’s concept of Will Power from my last blog, let’s revisit the Will to Know.  When we know about a...

Ropes Workshop with Corrie Vorlaufer

In Iyengar yoga, poses using the ropes are referred to as yoga Kurunta. In yoga Kurunta one learns to manipulate oneself in the various...

Develop (or Hone) Your Home Practice

We all LOVE our yoga class. Even when it is a lot of work, we know we feel better afterward. It is a time...

Reports from the Virtual Retreat

Pauline Schloesser, Ph.D., Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, IAYT Yoga Therapist I was very pleased that 25 students signed up for the Spring Virtual Retreat. In...

Standing poses during pregnancy

Parsva Hasta PadangusthasanaUtthita TrikonasanaArdha ChandrasanaArdha UttanasanaRope SirsasanaSalamba Sarvangasana with the chairSavasana Der Beitrag Standing poses during pregnancy erschien zuerst auf .

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