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From our expert coach

On Food as Medicine for Mental Health with Jody Vassallo

MEET OUR FOUNDER Hi, I'm Dr Lauren Tober! As a Clinical Psychologist and Yoga Teacher of nearly two decades and the author of Mental Health Aware...

Individual vs. Group Disability Insurance

Group Disability Insurance Here’s a closer look at group disability insurance, including what it is, its benefits, and its drawbacks. What Is a Group Disability Insurance...

YOGA for Skiing: 6 Postures to Do at Home this Winter

Six Postures to Do at Home this WinterIf you’re a person who skis once or twice a year, there are 3 things you must...

9 Standing poses and backbends

Urdhva Prasarita PadasanaAdho Mukha SvanasanaTadasanaTrikonasanaParsvakonasanaVirabhadrasana IIArdha ChandrasanaVirabhadrasana IVirabhadrasana III (also with hands on a ledge or chair back)ParsvottanasanaParighasanaUstrasanaUrdhva Mukha SvanasanaAdho Mukha SvanasanaSarvangasanaHalasanaSavasana Der Beitrag 9...

Hello, Spring. Goodbye, Subtlety.

Opening Up To The Possibilities of Spring. The definition of Spring is: "Move or jump suddenly or rapidly upward or forward." It also means "originate...

Success stories:

"The Personal Trainer program made getting in the best shape of my life really fun. The recipes are tasty and easy to cook!"

Mariana Lima


"Thomas has completely outdone himself with this course. Efficient workouts, delicious recipes and support!"

Jon Pata
