Krystina’s Birth Story — Yoga Mammas

Hannah was born at 40 + 14 after a long labour at home, induction and then by C section it was quite a whirlwind, honestly my birth preferences went completely out the window but there was just no choices in the matter, but we are so in love!I was having regular contractions about 10ish mins apart from Saturday at 1:30am. Then the next day contractions were between 8-10 mins apart with a few times going down to 6-7 mins apart. I did all the breathing, affirmations, meditations, ball and pelvis exercises and was very calm and really enjoyed it at home. Then Sunday night/Monday came around and I was still having contractions 8-10 mins apart with the odd 20 min break. Contractions were becoming stronger, but still spaced. Monday I went in for my clinic appointment and decided to get an exam since I was having the contractions since Saturday night, they said my cervix was still closed. At that point i was 40+10 so was booked in for induction on the Tuesday morning since I just wasn’t feeling that things were progressing.Tuesday I went in and the contractions were much stronger and more regular so they decided to let us stay and see what happened to see if I went into active Labour myself. With no progression they finally induced me late in the afternoon on Tuesday. My contractions became very strong and more regular so I stayed over night again but still not in active Labour. I had to take pethadene which made me drowsy but really didn’t help with the pain. Wednesday morning they tried to break my waters and again it didn’t seem to work. They took the induction pessary out and my contractions remained regular so they went and tried again to break my waters which they were successful with and soon after I finally went into active Labour and off to the delivery ward. At that stage I took an epidural to get some relief, went on oxytocin, and since I could only dilate to 3cm baby Hannah had to be delivered by C-section in the end. They said the way her head was turned was preventing the dilation.I have to say my birth preferences went right out the window, and it was a very tough 5 days, but none of that actually matters because I’m so in love with my baby girl 🥰🥰🥰 she waited until the very last minute to arrive 40+14! sorry for the very long winded birth story! Xx

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