New Moon Wishes – Libra

New Moon Wishes – Libra
Just to recap, the New Moon is the time to set your intentions for the month ahead. By getting clear on what you want, you will effectively be sending out arrows of desire that cannot help but start to manifest. For detailed tips on New Moon wishing please visit this link. Remember the best time for your wish is within 8 hours afterwards the lunation but anything within 48 hours is still charged with the New Moon energy.Here is a quick summary of the main areas to focus on for each New Moon during the year:Capricorn – career ambitionsAquarius – wishes for the world + friendsPisces – increased connection to the DivineAries – the courage to live your dreamsTaurus – money manifestingGemini – better communicationsCancer – happier home lifeLeo – the confidence to strut your stuffVirgo – increased organisationLibra – better love life, emotional connectionsScorpio – better sex life Sagittarius – wishes around study + adventureThe current NEW MOON is a Libra New Moon. This new moon is a time to focus on our relationships, particularly one-to-one relationships. These include romantic partnerships, marriages, business partnerships, very close friendships and adversaries as well! If you wold like to have improvement in these areas of your life then now is your time to focus on them. These areas are connected to the New Moon in Libra energy, and any wish connected to them will be extra supported:building our negotiating skills without compromising our principles or needs working on our tact and diplomacy by considering others’ feelings beginning new one-to-one relationships working on or resolving our relationships increasing our awareness of the need for someone significant making something public making new contacts recognizing our partners as teammates rather than adversaries making an effort to appreciate and understand our partnerships, and if we are unattached, make resolutions regarding our possible partnership needs finding ways to bring balance, harmony, and grace into our environment Key words for Libras are: relationships of any kind (marital, partnerships, business) marriage, commitment, the husband, wife or partner, open enemies, rivals, opponents. Whereas the 5th house governs romance and love affairs, the 7th governs deep committed love. Libra is the ruler of the 7th house which governs: foreign relations, treaties and/or disputes, business relationships and agreements (hello Brexit talks…) key areas on the physical body related to Libra are: lower back (lumbar region), lumbar nerves, buttocks, kidneys, adrenal glands, blood vessels, skin. Yasmin Boland (Moonology) suggests the following action plans for the Libra New Moon:How well do you relate to others? Libra is the sign of partnership so use this month to ask yourself how well you’re getting on with the important people in your life, and whether a little harmonization and negotiation would serve you better. Libra is all about harmony and cooperation, so bring these back into your life if they have been missing. The energy of Libra is about give and take, but more about give. It’s you rather than me. How are you doing when it comes to being a friend, a lover, a partner, a co-worker or even an ex?Partnerships in particular get special attention at this New Moon. If your marriage or your business partnership need work, issues may well arise now – all the better for you to sort them out. Libra is very social and diplomatic, so bring those qualities to the fore now as the New Moon is in this lovely and charming sign.The New Moon in Libra is a wonderful time to negotiate or renegotiate anything you’re not too happy with. Libra lives to bring things into balance. Find points of accord. Make ‘I agree’ your motto for a day and see what happens.Libra is also refined and beautiful. So if you need to balance things out in order to live a more beautiful and refined life, take action this month while you have the Libra New Moon energy backing you up. I don’t mean to sound superficial, but the image we present to the world says a lot about us. Libra is about beauty – are you feeling as good as you can about yourself? How about art – do you have some of that in your life to make it prettier? If not, get some!â—— 5. Regain your identity Consider whether you’re exhibiting co-dependency, i.e. relying too much on someone else for your sense of well being. Libra is all about partnerships but sometimes the ‘togetherness’ thing can go too far. Have you lost your sense of identity in someone else? If so, this is the ideal time to do something about it.

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