Is birth really like doing a big poo? — ZENMUMA

ZenMuma Amber teaches Hypnobirthing, Pregnancy Yoga, Baby Postnatal Yoga and Children’s Yoga in Norwich, Norfolk.

 This is a blog, inspired by Amber’s four year old daughter 🙂

Location. When you need to do a poo where would you go? Ideally a quiet bathroom, or at a push (excuse the pun!) behind a tree? Have you ever been interrupted by children or found yourself backed up on a holiday with friends? There is something about needing a quiet space so you can take your time without pressure. If we feel stressed at all our digestive system just won’t let go – literally. Would you want someone checking on you and testing you every few minutes? This is the same for birthing. We naturally want somewhere calm, dark and secluded so that we can birth without pressure. The body needs to be in the parasympathetic nervous system (aka the rest and digest system) so that the uterus can work effectively. I encourage women in my Pregnancy yoga and hypnobirthing classes to set up a “birthing boudoir” or “cave” with dim lights, soothing aromas, smells and cushions, to get them in the mood. If you are in a hospital setting you can still create this homely space. It is okay to ask for privacy. When my birth partner explained we were hypnobirthing our midwife left us to it until we needed her. 

Being relaxed is a good idea. Straining when doing a poo is rarely enjoyable or productive! It’s better off to relax and let nature take its course, maybe even try again later. I would draw a parallel to giving birth here too. Pushing before you are ready might lead to tears in the perineum. Indeed pushing hard is not encouraged, as it causes an atmosphere of stress, which causes the muscles to tighten, thus making it more challenging for your baby to be born.

Position. When you poo you are generally in an upright position, sitting on a toilet. My toddler, in a nappy, will often stand up and squat to let it out. Gravity is helpful isn’t it! Sitting or squatting also encourages the anal sphincter to open. In birth we want to think along these lines too. Standing, squatting and all fours are great positions to work with gravity and for the opening of the pelvis. These positions are often talked about as “Active Birth” and can also ease contractions and even shorten labour.  

And breathe! To help you relax on the toilet, as above, you might take some deep breaths. There are several breathing techniques that can help during the stages of labour. I suggest to hypnobirthing clients that they practise the “birth breath” on the toilet as it is a good position and mimics birth in the ways above. “Birth Breathing” works with the Natural Expulsion Reflex, directing energy downwards to move the baby down the birth canal. Women may feel able to do this with calm ease, or may feel like they have lots of energy.  Indeed, there is a burst of adrenaline to help with the process. So, it may be that birth breathing is used with more vigour. You can allow and visualise the muscles and the vagina gently opening and releasing. This is much like releasing the bowels.

During labour it may even feel like you need to poo. Quite often this is instead your baby on their way, their head putting pressure on the colon. If you do “do-do” during birthing then don’t worry. I know I did fret beforehand, but on the day it was far from my mind, I just wanted to meet my baby. It is actually pretty normal and common to poo when giving birth, and the midwives have seen it all before. 


So, it’s not a joke and it’s not gross, birth is like pooing! However the end result is much more beautiful and cuddly when it is a newborn baby. 

 To book a class with Amber in Norwich, Norfolk take a look at her landing page here!

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