Why attend a mother and baby yoga class in person? — ZENMUMA

ZenMuma Amber teaches friendly and welcoming pregnancy yoga classes, hypnobirthing and baby/postnatal yoga classes in Norwich. In this blog she talks about why new mums should totally be getting out to local baby classes and all the benefits that can be gained.

We have been used to staying in for so long. Now we can get out!

But why should you spend your time attending a baby group or activity? Maybe you are quite happy with walks and seeing friends.

Or maybe you are desperate to get out to groups!

I have loved teaching Baby, Postnatal and Pregnancy Yoga online, and there is so much to gain from it. However there is certainly something more that we gain from attending groups in person. Based on my experience with my own two babies, and as a yoga teacher, here are some of the reasons why we should attend a face to face baby class.  

Meeting other mums in your local area will help you to feel connected. It can help those feelings of isolation, help you feel that there are others going through the same highs and lows, and maybe even make friends for life! I teach Baby Yoga at a lovely dance studio in Sprowston where there is a café right on site, so mums can go for a coffee afterwards.

Meeting other mums at groups with my first baby helped to reassure me around what we were going through. Some of them are still my friends almost 4 years later. 

It is also great for your little ones to get used to going other places and seeing other people. Babies love to look at faces, especially yours. They also learn from how we interact with others, and they love seeing other babies! At Knowles Dance Studio we even have mirrors so they can see themselves. 

Getting out of the house and having a group to attend can give you a sense of purpose. It can be easy to feel lost and like the days blur into one, especially if you have been working full time before maternity leave. If you attend Baby Yoga, you can feel satisfied that you and your baby have exercised and done something worthwhile. This can really boost your mood and help you to feel good.  

Spending time with your baby in a structured activity also gives you a chance to really bond. Especially if you have a busy home life, getting away from the laundry, partners working from home or other children, is a really valuable thing to do. When I get out of the house I can more easily focus on my children, rather than the endless to do list.  

However, do be kind to yourself, don’t attempt too much at once. Don’t be disheartened if you and your baby may not immediately enjoy the group. This is normal, it is something new and possibly even sensory overload. Try again when you’re ready and focus on what you do gain from it.  

So there are so many benefits to getting out to a local baby group. Baby and Postnatal Yoga has so many other benefits such as postnatal healing, relaxation, baby development and sleep.

I am currently running classes at Knowles Dance Studio, Sprowston, Norwich, on Tuesdays at 9:45am and 11am. Email amber@zenmuma.co.uk for more details or to book.

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