the Focus of our Gaze

the Focus of our Gaze
‘Where focus goes, energy flows. Where energy flows, things grow.’ – goes the famous saying. Basically, what we focus on, we give energy to, and this in turn will bring more of that into our lives.From another angle, the Fire element in our body is connected to the sense of sight. Where we bring the fire -our gaze – things ignite. In our Yoga practice we have a tool for keeping this focus harnessed, which is called the Drishti – the focus or our gaze. By being in control of where we look, we keep our attention where we want it to be, which in turn helps to make the mind one pointed (no, multi tasking is not good for us, contrary to popular belief).What do I actually mean when I say ‘keep your gaze on your big toes’ in Seated Forward Bend posture for example? The importance of Drishti, or gaze, is where the eyes are focused on a single point, helping to harness the mind to the breath and the body. We are directing our eyes on one fixed focal point, developing a concentrated intention. The Drishti relates to the 5th limb of Yoga, which is Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses) and the 6th limb, Dharana (concentration). Dristhi can help you draw your outward looking eyes and mind inward, enabling the practice to become a moving meditation.Each Asana (posture) has it’s own Drishti, gazing point, the 9 main direction of focal points are:- spot between the eyebrowsKeep your eye on the ball when you want things to happen, and close your eyes and relax when you would like to rest and release the fire.

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