The Secret to Becoming an Exceptional Yoga Teacher

By Paula Mitten creator of Durga Yoga Teacher Training

Embarking on a journey to become a certified yoga teacher is an enriching experience. The 200-hour yoga teacher training program provides a solid foundation, equipping aspiring teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead classes. However, it is crucial to understand that the completion of this initial training is just the first step on a lifelong path of learning and growth. To truly excel as a yoga teacher, it is essential to continue your education, both in terms of teaching skills and personal practice.

Your 1st Yoga Teacher Training: A Stepping Stone

Completing your first yoga teacher training program is an important milestone in a yoga teacher’s journey. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the philosophy, asanas (poses), anatomy, and teaching methodology. It offers the tools needed to confidently step into a yoga teaching role. However, it is important to know that this training alone does not make you a masterful yoga teacher. The true transformation and refinement of teaching skills come with experience and ongoing education.

The Importance of a Mentoring Program

As you begin to teach, it is invaluable to seek out a mentoring program. A mentor can provide guidance, support, and constructive feedback on your teaching. They offer insights and wisdom accumulated through years of experience. A mentorship helps refine your teaching techniques, deepens your understanding of sequencing, assists in developing a teaching style, and addresses any challenges you may encounter. Through a mentoring program, you gain invaluable practical knowledge that goes far beyond what a 200-hour training can provide.

Continuing Study of Yoga Teaching Skills

To truly evolve as a yoga teacher, ongoing study of teaching skills is paramount. Attend workshops, conferences, and advanced training programs tailored to enhance your teaching abilities. Explore specialised areas such as restorative yoga, yin yoga, or vinyasa yoga . These focused studies deepen your knowledge, broaden your skill set, and allow you to cater to a wider range of students. Regularly attend classes led by experienced teachers to gain fresh perspectives and inspiration. Engage in peer discussions and collaborate with fellow teachers to share insights and learn from one another.

Maintaining Your Personal Yoga Practice

Continuing your own yoga practice is one of the main ways to support your teaching skills. It keeps you connected to the essence of yoga and allows you to experience firsthand the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits it offers. Regular practice not only enhances your teaching skills but also enables you to empathize with your students and understand their challenges. It deepens your knowledge of asanas, breathwork, and meditation, which you can then effectively share with your students. By nurturing your personal practice, you remain a devoted student of yoga and continue to grow in your own journey.

In conclusion, becoming a yoga teacher is a lifelong commitment to learning and self-improvement. While the 200-hour yoga teacher training is a vital foundation, it is just the beginning of a much larger journey. Being involved in a mentorship program and continuing your study of teaching skills will allow you to refine and expand your abilities as a teacher. Simultaneously, maintaining your personal practice keeps you connected to the essence of yoga and supports your growth on a spiritual and physical level. Embrace the opportunity to evolve and commit to the path of lifelong learning as a yoga teacher. Remember, your commitment to ongoing education will ultimately benefit both yourself and the students you guide along their yoga journey.

About Paula

Paula Mitten is an internationally recognised yoga teacher and yoga teacher trainer. She’s the creator of Durga Yoga Ireland and Yoga Teachers Masterclass. Paula is a teacher of teachers, teaching yoga for 18 years and facilitating teacher training since 2011. Paula’s passion is encouraging self exploration and inner belief in her students and is committed to building a yoga community of support, connection and generosity.

She went on to take over 1,000 hours in Yoga Teacher Training, as well as training in Sports Psychology, Anatomy and Physiology, Business and Marketing, Leadership and Transformation Skills.

Paula’s spiritual journey is never finished, and she considers herself a dedicated student for life. 

Try out some of Paula’s short classes on her YouTube channel or sing up for her membership site, Durga Yoga Online, to get daily live online classes with her. If you are interested in Paula’s mentoring program, Soulful Teacher’s Circle, contact her directly on

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