Leeanne’s VBAC experience — Yoga Mammas

My due date came and went on Saturday. I wasn’t surprised, my first had shown no sign of coming on her due date, but had stopped moving so I’d been rushed for an emergency section the next day on her. My second (a VBAC), was 9 days over! So I genuinely wasn’t expecting this baby to come any time soon (another VBAC).But to my surprise, I woke at 1.15am that night experiencing familiar niggles. I hadn’t been feeling well the previous day, and hadn’t slept well the night before, so I was eager to get as much rest as I could. I drifted in and out of sleep for the next 3 hours. I decided to get out of bed around 4.30. I came downstairs and got everything prepped for the kids for the next few days, just in case. My contractions were regular, but not at all painful, so I was in no rush. I sat on a gym ball for a while and listened to some Gentle Birth tracks to get my head in the game. By 5.30, the contractions were becoming more frequent, so I decided to shower and get organised. I woke my husband and rang my mum to come out to our house for 7. The older two kids were so excited when they woke to hear my mum here and that baby was on the way We all sat and had breakfast, enjoying our last one together before baby arrived.My contractions eased a lot in the car on the way to the hospital, so I got my husband to drive around a little before heading in around 9.30. When we arrived at the ward, the midwife told my husband he couldn’t come in so to go off for a few hours. He didn’t want to leave, so he just grabbed a coffee downstairs. I was brought to a room and asked for a urine sample. This showed that my ketone levels were very high (from being sick) and the midwife in charge told me I wasn’t in labour at all, it was just that my baby was distressed. A doc came and said similar, it wasn’t labour, but that I’d need IV fluids. I agreed to this and they hooked them up. Another (much nicer!) midwife did a trace of the baby and confirmed all was good. She could see I was having regular contractions though, so said she’d imagine I would have this baby today. The head midwife didn’t agree and went out to my husband and told him to go home, there was no point in him hanging around! Thankfully he chose not to and continued to wait. I knew baby was coming (this wasn’t my first rodeo!), but I was more than happy not to be hassled while I laboured. I happily focused on my breathing and using positive mantras, while keeping my husband up to date on how I was. At around 10.45 the doctor returned briefly to check how the drip was going, and once he was satisfied the bag was empty, he unhooked it and told me I could probably go home if I felt that I wanted! He said he’d come back and check on me shortly.Things were starting to change, so I messaged my husband to check he was at the door. I was starting to feel nauseous so I pressed the buzzer at 11.25 and told the midwife and asked her to let my husband in. She was surprised but she went and got another midwife and my husband and they led me up to the closest delivery suite. I got there at 11.33 and shortly after, I felt the need to push. With the first push my waters broke. The second push had the head out and with the third push our precious little boy was born Baby Oisín arrived at 11.43, completing our little family Elaine, I cannot thank you enough for all your help and support over the years. From my first pregnancy, you made me realise birth wasn’t something to be feared, like everyone else had made out. Instead, it was something to celebrate, to look forward to, to enjoy. Being able to do more of your classes made me feel empowered for this birth too. I knew what I wanted and I was confident in my choices. The breathing techniques gained from your classes and your mantras (specifically ‘I can do anything for one minute’ and ‘I trust my baby, I trust my body’) were all I needed. I felt calm and in control the whole way through and I can genuinely say I enjoyed the whole birthing process. I’m actually sad thinking I’ll never get to experience it again! But I couldn’t be happier and more content with my beautiful family And so proud of what my body is capable ofI genuinely mean it about being so grateful to you for giving me such a positive mindset towards labour And for equipping me with all the tools I needed After the birth, the midwife said it was very clear I’d done pregnancy yoga (I hadn’t had time to mention it) because of how good my breathing technique was, and that that’s what made her sure I wasn’t in labour, because I didn’t seem in pain it goes to show the power of breathing!

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