Give a Gift that keeps on Giving!

Give a gift with meaning, whether it is a well-deserved act of care for yourself or for another.

The gift of a retreat or one-to-one session offers us new lease of life, inspiration, clarity, healing and fresh perspective and life-direction.

We spend a lot of our life searching for what will make us feel whole, happy and complete… we gradually come to learn that nothing outside of ourselves can ever satisfy that need. 

Only by connecting within, recognising our power, our magic, and our potential can we see our light, can we enter a new beginning, awaken a new concept of ourselves, strengthen our belief in our abilities and experience true fullness, joy and completion.

One to one sessions, workshops and retreats are all an invitation to welcome more of yourself!

Rediscover and reconnect with your self, your natural joy, health and vitality!

This is a gift to self or others that keeps giving, that transforms, uplifts, awakens and heals. 

A nourishing expression of love for yourself or others.

One to one healing sessions work on the physical, mental, emotional, ancestral and soul levels of our being.

Bespoke to each individual, these transformational sessions are 90 minutes, blending multiple modalities that will best serve a person’s needs and intentions- such as

Vouchers available for any value, 1:1 healing session (online / in-person), for classes, retreats or upcoming workshops.

Lots of events online & in person coming up– sign up to the mailing list (end of the page) for updates.

How to know if a 1:1 is for you? or an ideal gift for another?

Do you have an idea or dream but have no idea where to start?

Maybe you feel a little heavy like you’re carrying a weight that you’d love to unburden?

Often we can feel stuck, unsure of ourselves, and low in energy when the energy of our body is out of balance, drained, or diverted towards an old trauma or ancestral entanglements.

Sometimes it can feel heavy and challenging to make a simple change in our life.

This is often a sign that our life force energy is not fully available to us. That there is a block further upstream.

One to One Healing Sessions will help you to feel: 

✨Lighter, like a weight has been released from your body, mind and soul 

✨Empowered to step into life with greater confidence, inner trust, and resource

✨ More Connected to the gifts, love, wisdom, vitality and support of your ancestry

This work helps us to forgive and let go of that which no longer serves our greater good, enabling us to focus more on what we want to create and bring into our lives!

One to one sessions:

Online: 90 mins: 120 euro

In-person: 90 minutes: 150 euro

Discount when you book a series of 3 sessions together .

Online sessions: include a recording of your personalised healing meditation, the insight of your tarot card reading, plus tools and techniques to support your personal development.

Dublin Venue: The Calm Rooms, 101 Monkstown Village, Dublin

Book using the links below and I will get in touch to schedule the time for our session:

Any questions or time/day preferences can be emailed to




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