How Does Reiki Heal — Modern Yoga for Modern Women

Reiki has grown significantly in relevancy over the years, allowing many to find relief and healing in a new way. With that said, there are still many misconceptions about reiki as a practice, not to mention a great deal of skepticism regarding its effectiveness. As a result, people are quick to brush off reiki as “bs” or “woo-woo”, when in reality they are dismissing an authentic tactic that has changed countless lives across the globe. But… What really is reiki?In order to understand reiki in full, it’s necessary to understand a bit more about its history and background. Reiki originated in the early 20th century in Japan, and is classified as a form of “energy healing”. This means that reiki is based on the larger idea that each and every one of us has a “life force energy” that constantly flows within us. Thus, the goal of reiki as an energy healing practice is to play with and perfect this flow of life force energy so that we ultimately find balance and relief.To achieve this balance, a reiki practitioner is trained to use their palms to transfer channeled healing energy, or “qi”, until they feel that the flow has been optimized. All of this is done in tandem with a sort of guided meditation, making for a very relaxing experience that can have positive physical, emotional, and spiritual effects. How Reiki Heals PHYSICALLYAfter a reiki session, clients frequently report an alleviation of physical pain, making reiki an ideal method for those who experience chronic pain or illnesses. Those with ailments such as digestive issues, chronic pain, many forms of cancer, depression, anxiety, or even Parkinson’s Disease have found relief through the healing that reiki provides.Through helping with the emotional aspect of pain, reiki greatly aids in resolving mental and emotional distress, leading to reduced tension and pain, and greater relaxation. The healing properties have been studied and scientifically proven by The International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, which explained that there is strong evidence that biofield therapies (such as reiki) help reduce pain intensity by allowing the free flow of energy throughout the body. Additionally, reiki has shown to be helpful for those who are recovering from medical treatments such as colonoscopies, abdominal hysterectomies, and various cancer treatments. A 2012 study that tracked the impact of reiki on chemotherapy patients came to the conclusion that it had a positive impact on their sense of pain and well-being.How Reiki Heals EMOTIONALLYThe balancing of energy that occurs during reiki helps the body to move through and release tension and stress. This process aids with mental distress, or mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety, and may heal past trauma. When a traumatic event happens, its energy remains in the body’s energy field, causing the body to hold on to it. These past experiences and traumas stick with us until we give our body permission to release them. Because of this, it is common to experience reactions such as slight burning or tingling, or even larger emotional responses such as crying during a reiki session. These reactions are side effects of the body releasing traumas, and allowing new energy to flow in areas where negative or stagnant energy previously lived.Outside of healing trauma, the process of reiki often requires the client to drop into a meditative state, which has been shown to significantly improve mental states that may be classified as depression and/or anxiety. By residing in the present and allowing the mind to let go of the past and the future, a better and calmer mindset is instantly achieved.How Reiki Heals SPIRITUALLYIn addition to alleviating physical and emotional pain, reiki can help with the process of spiritual healing. During the practice of reiki, people naturally quiet their minds and get into a meditative state. As a result of being in a meditative state, it is much easier to naturally connect to a state of spirituality, whether it be god, the universe, or a specific deity. By quieting the mind through the power of reiki, a sense of wholeness and okayness is possible. A feeling of connection with everyone and everything is normal and a regular experience for the person receiving Reiki. Many feel more embodied and comfortable in their vessel, making it easier to connect to other people and to spirit. The flow of energy brings the sensation that one is more than just their flesh and the realization that each and every one of us contains life force within us. Starting YOUR Reiki JourneyReiki has the power to transform the body, mind, and spirit. Through bringing harmony and balance to the body and the life force energy that flows within it, this energy healing practice is able to provide peace and positive change for anyone who so desires. If you’re interested in experiencing the healing power of reiki for yourself, feel free to book a session with me here. 

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