Flora Jacquet — Appleseed Yoga

This blog post is written by Flora Jacquet (she/her), Appleseed’s French-Speaking Imaginative Yoga Storyteller. Find Flora in the Appleseed Virtual Studio weekly for her Toddler and Kids Yoga classes in French!What Flora wants for the next generation:My greatest hope for the next generation is that they find connection with other humans, the environment, and the world. You see, for me, yoga was an incredible tool to pursue this.When children practice yoga, it increases their confidence, builds concentration and strengthens their growing bodies. Yoga has a lot of social, emotional and cognitive benefits for children, as well:- Increases attention span and improves concentration- Improves memory retention and learning ability- Builds resilience for dealing with anxiety and stress through relaxation and breathing techniques- Improves relationships and social awareness through group and partner work- Encourages healthy sleep patterns with the practice of relaxing the body and lengthening thebreath- Increases confidence with speech in interactive parts of the storiesI hope that the next generation is curious to better understand themselves, their friends and the world. I hope that as they grow they will not be scared to try news things. I hope they choose to follow their own dream and not what society expects from them.I hope that the next generation will follow their heart and share love, passion, and laugh with others.With lots of love,FloraImaginative Yoga StorytellerAbout Flora:Pratiquant le yoga depuis plus de cinq ans et étant convaincue des nombreux bienfaits, j’ai suivi la formation de professeur de yoga du Centre Sivananda d’Orléans (France). Diplômée d’une maîtrise en droit international humanitaire, je travaille désormais dans l’éducation depuis trois ans. Je partage ma passion pour le yoga aux enfants et prend un immense plaisir à leur donner des cours de yoga, faisant de ces moments des instants magics et amusants. D’une nature souriante, et toujours positive, ma sensibilité m’a amené à me plonger dans la lecture de livres de développement pesonnel. Engagée dans la protection de l’environnement, j’essaie d’adopter un mode de vie durable en me tournant vers le zéro déchet, le minimalisme et la médecine naturelle. Je suis très heureuse et remplie de gratitude de faire désormais partie de l’équipe d’Appleseed Yoga en tant que professeur de yoga en français. Flora completed her yoga teacher training at the Sivananda Center in Orléans (France). With a Master’s degree in international humanitarian law, she has spent the last 3 years working directly with children! Flora loves to share her passion for yoga with her students and takes pleasure in making each moment magical and fun. Always smiling, and positive, Flora is committed to environmental protection and tries to adopt a sustainable lifestyle by turning into zero waste, minimalism and natural medicine.

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