Self-Discipline and Damage | Power Yoga

Yoga & Health ● Bryan Kest
Like everything else in life it’s important to find the balance. Self-discipline is a very important ingredient towards accomplishment. You could describe self-discipline as pushing oneself towards where one wants to be. The word discipline connotes difficulty or challenge as other- wise discipline wouldn’t be necessary as the “discipline” is abstaining from indulgences and desires that are somehow pleasing. The necessity of abstaining from indulgences and desires is because those things are a distraction from the desired outcome or accomplishment as most likely the desired accomplishment is deeply satiating and aligned with one’s deeper desires than the ephemeral gratification or intoxication of momentary indulgences and desires. Discipline not only facilitates accomplishment it also builds character, mental strength, mastery, and the ability to manifest what one chooses. This is a very rich reward and well worth all the self-discipline required to accomplish it. Yet this path does not bar levity, playfulness, gentleness, and occasional detours into other nourishing endeavors. Remember all work and no play makes jack a dull boy! So be focused, be disciplined, but don’t be extreme. You are a deep and complex being so don’t forget to nourish all sides of yourself.
Discipline becomes harmful when you are hurting yourself or others to accomplish something. When you become so blind to everything else to accomplish your objective. When your daily workouts don’t allow rest, when you push so hard you cause damage, when your goal supersedes your needs, when you think it’s good to ignore what your mind, body, or the people closest to you are saying in the name of discipline. In that case you may achieve your objective yet the wreckage you leave in your wake is unrepairable and those things were important too. Discipline is your tool to accomplish your objective it is not your master, it is commendable, yet it is weak to succumb to it. It takes great strength and humility to find moderation. Be strong yet flexible, be focused yet accepting, sometimes making room for someone or something else takes more strength than being extreme. Discipline is damaging when you commit to driving straight yet the road is turning. You don’t always know what you need, you must keep watching and listening to your teacher. Your teacher is the reality of your experience and what’s immediately in front of you. If you’re ever unsure error on the side of gentleness:).
Those who accomplish the greatest feats and receive all the accolades can find satisfaction in those things but not happiness. They find happiness only in the same place as everyone else, in the love and care they give to themselves and everyone else.
sincerely, bryan

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