Shanti Yoga Bedford!

Perfection consists not in doing extraordinary things,but in doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.~ Angelique ArnauldI had the pleasure of attending my first yoga class at the new Shanti Hot Yoga studio in Bedford. It was a little strange at first walking into the office-like building. Didn’t seem quite right for a yoga studio to be there. But one must never judge a book by it’s cover right?I opened the door to the studio and was overwhelmed. I mean it is b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.Picture a yoga studio that gets pregnant with a baby spa and the dad is a hip coffee shop. THAT is Shanti Hot Yoga Bedford. It’s comfortable, it’s friendly, it’s complete.

There’s a record player, a crokinole board, loads of coffee and tea, plus a huge comfy couch. The bathrooms are wicked. Well…I can’t speak for the boys bathroom but if they are anything like the girls bathroom then they are killer too! All of this is enough to make you just want to skip class and hang out with Lou the Dog for a few hours.But just when I thought my yogi-heart couldn’t take anymore joy I got to see the practice rooms. Windows…man, there are a pile of windows! At first I was thinking about how distracted I would be by the traffic but I quickly realized they are high enough that you really only see the sky. The windows will have endless opportunities to change my practices. My first class was during the day and with the sunshine beaming through the windows it was just such a happy class. I am actually giddy with anticipation for my first night time class, and first rainy day class, and first snow storm class, and…I just squealed a little…my first thunder and lighting class! The windows are a game changer.They say home is where the heart is and if that’s true…well I think I found my new home.Namaste Student Submission

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