Upgrade Your Knowledge, transform from a Consumer of Yoga to a Student of Yoga

In Iyengar yoga, they don’t want us coming to class every day. They call this “consumeristic yoga” and don’t want to be identified with it. The Iyengars want you to learn and practice on your own, to get the taste of the nectar of the Self, which cannot be done in a group setting. They want us to get educated and empowered and become less dependent on them as teachers. The purpose of taking a class is to learn how to practice. They want us to be students of yoga, not consumers of yoga. In my earlier yoga days, my body remembered positions, actions, and instructions. I didn’t have to have consult books or videos back then. I could practice much of what I learned in class from body memory, even if I didn’t practice the postures in the same order as they were presented in class. I had yoga books, but I didn’t really crack them. Then, when I wanted to become a teacher, I had to learn the names of the postures, and how to write sequences, and books were invaluable. You do not and should not have to go through teacher training to start learning the names of the asanas.

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