Amy and Arlo- ‘ Small baby’ birth story — Yoga Mammas

Hi Lainey, I finally got around to writing my birth story. I’m delighted to share it because I had such a wonderful experience this time round.Throughout my pregnancy Arlo was measuring on the smaller side. This is my second baby, my first was born weighing 5lbs 12oz so I wasn’t surprised! We were scheduled extra growth scans during the pregnancy. At 35 weeks the consultant wanted to bring me in at 36 weeks. I didn’t feel comfortable with that decision because in my gut I knew my baby was just fine. I shared my concerns in the yoga classes and it allowed me to feel empowered enough to ask for the induction to be pushed out to 37 weeks, in that case I would be full term. Thankfully the consultant respected my wishes and I was brought in at 37 weeks.We went in on the Friday for a planned induction. I was brought down to the delivery suite at 10am on the Sunday. I was pretty wrecked after 2 sleepless nights on the ward. When I got to the delivery suite I felt very calm as I chatted to the midwife about my birth preferences. The lights were dimmed and my partner set up fairy lights, an electric diffuser and played my labour playlist. I asked the midwife could I have a mat on the floor to labour on all fours.  My waters were broken at 10.30am and I was hooked up to the IV .The contractions  began an hour or so later, they were short but intense. I laboured bouncing/rocking on the birthing ball and on all fours. These positions were ones we did in class and I found them so helpful to cope with the surges. I used the Winner Flow breathing device through the whole labour, it was fantastic to bring my mind back to my breath and to get a really deep exhale. I remembered “every surge brings me closer to my baby” it really helped me to keep a positive mind set throughout. I was 2cm dilated by 2.30pm and I asked for the epidural but it was too late by the time the anesthetist arrived, I was ready to push! I heard the midwife tell the anesthetist that my baby would be here in 2 minutes. This was what I needed to hear but I felt a little out of control at this point. My wonderful midwife brought me back to my breath and I concentrated on pushing. I birthed on my side and used a peanut ball to elevate my leg. Again, I learned  this in class with Lainey!We asked for the midwife not to reveal the gender of the baby to us and it was such an amazing moment when we met our beautiful baby boy Arlo. He arrived safely with no fuss at 15.48pm.We did skin to skin straight away and had delayed cord clamping. I didn’t want any routine checks done until I was ready. I had a first degree tear and just needed 1 stitch. After that we were left alone to enjoy our first hour together with Arlo. He was 5lbs 4oz of pure joy.My whole labour experience was so positive and it’s definitely thanks to all of the techniques and tips I learned in pregnancy yoga and from other Mama’s in the classes.I will forever be grateful to Lainey for being such a wonderful person and sharing such knowledge around pregnancy and babies.Baby massage is now our favourite part of the week!

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