Navé Kids Summer Week | Navé Yoga Killarney

Navé Kids Summer Week from age 4-12 years. (Two groups 4-7 year olds & 8-12 year olds)

1st – 5th July at Navé Yoga
Monday – Friday
9:45am – 1:45pm
Cost €95 per week

Kids will enjoy morning walks in nature to awaken senses.They will learn how to practice mindfulness and meditation.
There will be plenty of yoga games, partner poses and handstands, lots of movement and fun!
Children will learn how to connect to themselves and experience deep relaxation.

Book on the new Navé Yoga App by selecting the activities button on the bottom left row of tabs, filter by workshops on the top right, then scroll down to Navé Kids Summer week. Or text Elaine on 0872601624.

DROP OFF IS 9:45AM – 10AM (We cannot accept children into the studio prior to 9:45am)
PICK UP IS 1:30PM – 1:45PM.

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