The Running Yogi

You run? Yep. I am a 49 years old Yogini (female Yogi) and I run occasionally.I always thought that I am not a runner. Don’t like it, not built for it, just can’t do it. Than one day I got really upset about something and looked at my training shoes and a thought popped into my head ‘Go for a run, otherwise you are going to explode’. Well, who am I to argue with the voices in my head? So off I went. Something magical happened that day. I fell in love with running (or jogging, or walking fast, depending on how you look at my ‘performance’).Do you have any aches and pains? Nope. How come? Because I like to think I run consciously. The funny thing is, I am the ultimate extrovert, and running is the only thing that I prefer to do on my own, to be able to incorporate these simple guidelines (the only times I get injured, or over do it, is when I run with someone else, and don’t look after myself or get pushed into a faster pace/no rest cycle):1. THE SHOES. Obviously. Luckily enough Yorkshire is a running county and I just made an appointment in a specialised running shop, where a lovely knowledgeable gentleman fitted me out with perfectly fitting, albeit expensive running shoes. I know, you have to bite the bullet with this one, still cheaper than a knee replacement.2. THE WARM UP. About 3 minutes of Yoga stretches followed by at least 2 minutes of walking.3. THE BREATH AWARENESS. I run inhaling through my nose and exhaling through my mouth (to avoid over heating), but always aware of my breath and as soon as it gets laboured I switch to walking until my breath calms down. Now this is not the same as my heart rate going down, because I can have a perfectly stable and relaxed breath even when my heart rate is up in the cardio range, but making sure that as soon the breath is ‘going’ I rest by walking. Interval training is the best in my opinion anyway.4. THE POSTURE. Tailbone tucked under gently, knees in line with 2nd toes facing forward, spine elongated, core activated, neck long, shoulders down, face relaxed and the gaze is about eye level or on the ground if I am in the forest and need to watch the terrain. Just like in Tadasana/Mountain position in Yoga. When I start to get tired and the posture starts to go, I walk again (which of course coincides with the breath going shallow). Having a strong core and a flexible spine is essential for happy running, here is where point 7. will come into play.5. MEDITATING ON MY BREATH while I run. The 1st km is just getting rid of stress. The 2nd is emptying my mind. The 3rd is just bliss, quiet. Around the 4th, 5th I may even get wonderful ideas and thoughts about changing things for the better in my life.6. In NATURE. Double gain this way. Fresh air, beautiful surroundings (yes I know how fortunate I am to live in the countryside and in a climate where you can run pretty much all year around). I find that running outside is easier on my body as well opposed to running on the treadmill. Less repetition, as the terrain changes.7. Gentle STRETCHING Yoga practise for about 10 minutes AFTER a run followed by 5 minutes relaxation. This is a must!8. I do NOT run MORE than 5-7 km (3-4 miles) at one go, this is something I have played around with, this is where my body feels comfortable, and I only run maximum 2 times a week. I also do not like to run when it’s cold. Play around with your own preferences here.9. I COMPLIMENT running with WEIGHT TRAINING, DANCING and of course YOGA 5 times a week. You may think I am someone who does not do anything other than her fitness, but no, I am a mother of three far away from family to help out and I run a full time business teaching Yoga and Yoga Therapy. I exercise/practise early mornings, in between classes, on the weekends with my family. If you have the will you will find the time and money. I do go to 1-2 Yoga classes a week to learn from other teachers, but most of my practice/exercise is at home. 10. I NEVER RUN if I am ILL, INJURED or EXHAUSTED, respecting my body. I do not do competitions, which would make me push further where my body’s limit is making me train when injured or ill.11. I take CALCIUM supplements.Connecting running to Ayurveda: I am also a Pitta constitution (fiery person) with a slight Kapha imbalance (excess of earth and water elements) who enjoys the cardio aspect of the run to move the earth element in my body.These are just my guidelines, please experiment and find your own. I just wrote this down to show that you can still run in your 40’s without pain, but you have to make conscious decisions and make sure that you listen to your body! Off I run…

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