Creating Closure After A Breakup — Modern Yoga for Modern Women

You may be going through a breakup where you are feeling completely blindsided. While wanting to speak to an ex post-breakup is totally normal, in reality, it’s usually not necessary. Closure is something that only you can gift yourself. Here are three things you can do alone to gain closure. Write a closure letterThink of all the things you want to say to your ex and write it all out in a letter. This letter should be focused on yourself and how you are feeling. Pit the strong emotions you are currently feeling onto paper. This letter should not be placing blame on your ex or calling them out. This is about you. Let the words come from your heart. If you desire to share this letter after whole-heartedly writing it for yourself, always ask for consent from your ex in order to honor both of your boundaries. It’s best to wait at least two days after writing the letter to determine whether or not you’d like to share it. Here are some prompts for your breakup letter: How did this relationship help you grow?What would you like to celebrate about the time you spent together?What are you taking with you from this relationship?Practice a cord cutting meditationCord cutting meditations are a great practice for creating energetic space between you and another human. In various yogic traditions, it is believed we all have auric fields. The more time we spend with people, the more our auric fields become enmeshed. When you are deeply attached to someone (as many are when in romantic relationship), a strong energetic cord gets formed between you and the other human. This is one explanation for “psychic moments” we have with loved ones, like having the same thoughts at the same time or someone suggesting you go to the exact restaurant you were going to suggest. A cord cutting meditation can help to cut the cord of negative energy between you and your ex. However, doin this spiritual practice does not take the place of physically creating boundaries with you ex. You can do a guided meditation here or follow these steps to guide yourself through it: Step 1: relax and begin to focus on your breathingStep 2: envision energy or lightStep 3: locate the cords (where do you feel the energy of this person?)Step 4: call in guidance to help you cut the cord (God, spirit guides, guardian angel, l)Step 5: continue breathing and feel loveYoni steamingWhen you have sexual intercourse with another person, you can pick up quite a bit of their energy. As a woman, according to various ancient yogic philosophies, this energy can be stored within our womb spaces. Luckily, your ex’s energy is in you, but it can be cleansed, neutralized, and reclaimed. Yoni steaming is an ancient practice that cleanses our womb space, both physically and energetically. In the Daoist-Tantric tradition, it is believed that our womb spaces are one of the greatest sources of power, creativity, pleasure, and abundance as female-embodied beings. All you need to do is sit over a pot of steaming herb-infused water for 10 minutes to half an hour. A typical yoni steaming kit includes herbs like lavender, lemongrass, basil, oregano, basil and more! You can purchase a pre-made herb pack online for your steaming or make your own.

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