Women’s Essentials: Self Care For Moms

So I grew up with a mom who learned the hard way to be self-centered. You’re probably saying, “Yeah no worries there, I am plenty self-centered.” I get it. These days most women are educated professionals, making good money, having their own interests. But are you taking proper care of yourself?Think of all the ways you could pamper yourself—get a manicure, a massage, take a day trip, buy yourself new clothing, flowers, or other things. How much will they cost and how well will they address your deeper needs?The Women’s Essentials Class at Alcove Yoga is meant for women like you. Because the health and well-being of your family centers on you. I know, you probably have a wonderful spouse who does a lot for the family as well. But emotionally, the mother’s heart and state of mind are key to the emotional well-being of the family. The whole family prospers when you are healthy and joyful.

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