Rise and Shine Yoga- Guest Yogi

Use these quick and easy strategies at your desk to help you maintain your yoga state of mind during the school day.
*take a deep breath, or two, remember to inhale AND exhale *find your heart center and act and speak from there *try yoga for anxiety when you are feeling anxious *try yoga for creativity when you need some inspiration *the ego eradicator will help you find your center *yoga for emotional defensiveness will help you when you are having negative thougts *try one minute of quiet meditation, visualize sand in a jar *listen calmly to others and quietly to yourself (Yogi Bhajan) *try a few hook ups or other brain gym exercises *massage your feet or ankles *take a sip of water, water is beneficial in so many ways *Stand behind your chair and do some windmills, don’t knock into anyone! *try some yoga jacks to get your blood pumping! *Crow squats can help loosen up those tight muscles. *Stand behind your desk and try some poses like tree pose, mountain, or upward mountain, downward dog. *find a partner and try shoulder clocks or partner pull. Let me know what works for you!

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