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Women’s Essentials: Self Care For Moms

So I grew up with a mom who learned the hard way to be self-centered. You’re probably saying, “Yeah no worries there, I am...

11 Hips and seating poses

TadasanaUrdhva HastasanaVriksasanaGarudasanaUtkatasanaParighasanaSvastikasanaParvatasana in SvastikasanaAdho Mukha VirasanaVirasanaBaddha KonasanaBharadvajasana ISalamba SarvangasanaHalasanaEka Pada SarvangasanaParsvaikapada SarvangasanaHalasanaUrdhva Prasarita PadasanaSavasana Der Beitrag 11 Hips and seating poses erschien zuerst auf .

End of 2022 Updates

Big News! I PASSED MY ASSESSMENT in October Rejoice! As most of you know, I had my Iyengar Yoga Level 2 teaching assessment this fall....

Latest news on opening — IYISL

The official government opening date for studios like ours - running indoor classes - is currently 17th May. We...

Getting the Message Out by Greta Kent-Stoll — IYASE Iyengar Yoga Association Southeast

Greta Kent-Stoll is the Co-Owner of Iyengar Yoga Asheville.In my observation, Iyengar Yoga practitioners tend to be deep thinkers—interested in the internal...

Success stories:

"The Personal Trainer program made getting in the best shape of my life really fun. The recipes are tasty and easy to cook!"

Mariana Lima


"Thomas has completely outdone himself with this course. Efficient workouts, delicious recipes and support!"

Jon Pata
